Download YSHK SP Trader NOW

Main Features of YSHK SP Trader
- Professional chart analysis
- Flexible user-default interface
- Multi-language interface (Traditional Chinese / Simplified Chinese / English)
- System application - without wasting time on web response
- One-stop trading platform
- Fast trading speed and free real time price quote
- 24-hour trading service support
Futures Client
* To login YSHK SP Trader, please set the login screen according to the following:
2nd Host:
User ID: Client's account number (e.g 123456F001)
Password: Initial login password will be generated by system randomly. Please change the login password as soon as possible after the first login. Trading function is forbidden prior to initial password changed. New password is limited to 8-16 alphanumeric, and at least one letter and one digit are required in the password.
Stock Options Client
* To login YSHK SP Trader, please set the login screen according to the following:
2nd Host:
User ID: Client's account number (e.g 123456K001)
Password: Initial login password will be generated by system randomly. Please change the login password as soon as possible after the first login. Trading function is forbidden prior to initial password changed. New password is limited to 8-16 alphanumeric, and at least one letter and one digit are required in the password.
** The YSHK SP Trader software is bundled with the userguide.