

若您的 帳號是在2017年6月1日以後開通「電子交易服務」、或是 已經啟用「線上密碼管理服務」的客戶,請您依需求點選以下的連結進行操作:

1. 帳號的密碼輸入錯誤鎖住了, 我要解鎖

2. 忘記帳號的密碼, 我要重設密碼

3. 忘記帳號的密碼,也忘記了保安問題的答案, 請重寄帳號的密碼信,重新建立新密碼

您是在2017年6月1日之前完成電子交易的開通者 ,請您先點選以下連結,完成啟用您的「線上密碼管理服務」後,再使用其他服務:

若您有任何問題或寶貴意見,歡迎隨時與我們的客服聯繫,服務熱線:(852) 3555 7878;客服人員將會竭誠地為您服務。

Dear Valued Customer,

We are glad to announce that our system now offers faster, more secure, and more convenient service after upgraded in May 2017. New system allows you to directly operate your account password online, such as unlocking, or resetting password.

If you are the customer whose E-Trading account was activated AFTER June 1st 2017, or Online Password Management Service was activated already, please click on the following links to proceed your request:

1. My account is locked because of multiple logins with incorrect passwords. I want to unlock it online.

2. I forget the password. I want to reset a new password.

3. I forget the password and also forget the answers of security questions that set up before. Pleaes send me a new password letter. I want to re-establish a new password.

If your E-Trading account was activated BEFORE June 1st 2017 , please click on the following link first to activate your Online Password Management Service, and then use other services we provide:

Please feel free to contact our Customer Service at (852) 3555 7878 if you have any questions or opinions. Our service representatives will serve you kindly and sincerely.
繁中   簡中   English


若您有任何問題或寶貴意見,歡迎隨時與我們的客服聯繫,服務熱線:(852) 3555 7878;客服人員將會竭誠地為您服務。